Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Re-Introduction: The Greatest of Cleveland Baseball

 Hello baseball, long time no see! A lot has changed in the showdown world since May 28th 2018. For one that was my first post on the blog, and as you can see in my old creations, I have since been given the tools to make the cards look a lot better. Early days shoutout to Bob and Peter for the templates to guide me into better cards, and then learning photoshop. Also since then the blog expanded, my favorite discord ever was created, and then after that Matt Gula dropped the greatest showdown creation of all time in the Showdown Bot (check it out if you haven't yet somehow). 

A few guys that aren't included due to it being prior to 1993

Monday, July 22, 2024

NBA Showdown: Custom Rules and Custom Gameplay Styles, Defensive Schemes

 With NBA Showdown only getting one actual year of play, it leaves the door open to many chances to tweak and add some custom house rules. These are the playstyles that I have come up with that work best for me. As a sim style enthusiast I keep trying to find ways to make it more like real life and less arcadey, and while I know it won't be fully achieved, these have been some nice steps in my play testing.